Tag Archives: Basement development

A Basement Does Not Have to be a Basement


Thinking about renovating your basement? It does not need to be complicated. For more information, you are encouraged to visit our website: /basement-development.html.

When people think of a basement, they usually picture a damp, leaky and poorly-lit space. While this is often a reality, it does not always have to be this way.

We recently came across a wonderful article on Home Designing. (You can find the article here.) This article included numerous pictures of renovated basements. Only, those basements were not your “regular” renovated basements—they were on a completely different level.

Before going any further, let us ask you one question: What are basements used for? While this tends to vary from home to home, they are generally used as utility spaces. People like to store heaters, boilers and other various amenities in their basements.

But does it truly have to be this way? Do basements always have to be damp, leaky and poorly-lit spaces?

We don’t think so, and the Home Designing article certainly proved this.

So let us ask you one more question: What prevents YOU from renovating your basement into a gym? A media room? An office?  With proper planning, your basement could become the room you’ve always dreamed of. It could become a bar, a second living room or even a cozy, sunlit guest bedroom.

Think about it for a moment: Your basement most likely than not makes up a good fraction of your home. If you do not use it correctly, how much space—and of course how much potential—are you wasting? We certainly don’t need to take a look at your basement to know the answer to that question.

However, this could all change today. Visit Planit Builders to see what we can do for you.

Edmonton Basement Development Company—Basement Development Permit


Is your basement dark and unattractive? Is it cold and—worst of all—moldy? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, you are encouraged to visit PLANit BUILDERS, an Edmonton basement development company to see what we can do for you. In the event that you would like to renovate your basement on your own, then you might want to read this article before doing anything else.

If you live in Edmonton, then it is imperative for you to be aware of your local building codes in order to avoid legal trouble. Unless you have a development permit, you are not allowed to do any kind of advanced development work on your basement. This includes changing the size of your walls, general structural work and an overall construction value that is worth more than $5,000.  You can find more information about what development permits involve and what you need to do before applying for one on the city of Edmonton’s official website.

Light renovations do not require a development permit. Examples of such light renovations include roof replacement, carpet replacement, and retiling. Also keep in mind that a development permit does not encompass any other type of renovations that often go hand in hand with basement development. If you are thinking of doing electrical or mechanical work, you are highly encouraged to read more about what their respective permit entails.

To give you peace of mind, educate yourself on your local building codes—or better yet, call PLANit BUILDERS today. Building development does not have to be a headache. Sometimes it’s better to leave it to professionals.



Calgary Basement Development—How to Fix Basement Mold


Because of the often damp nature of basements, mold is a problem that many of us will encounter at one point or another. The simplest way to fix and prevent basement mold is to call on the help of a Calgary basement development company. However, if you would like to tackle the challenge of ridding your basement of mold by yourself, here is what you should know before.

Mold is dangerous. We are sure that you already that, but are you aware of how dangerous mold truly is? According to Health Canada, mold has been shown to cause severe infections to people with weakened immune systems. Even if you do not have a weakened immune system, PLANit BUILDERS highly encourages you to put on a respirator before going anywhere near the affected area as mold has been linked to allergies and other respiratory problems.

Clean the surface. Once you have taken the proper safety measures, it is time to get rid of the mold. First dampen the affected surgace with water, then mix water and dish detergent in a bowl. Scrub the surface until all visible spores are gone. Don’t forget to rinse the walls again with fresh water.

Find and fix the underlying cause. Do not merely treat the symptoms otherwise the mold will reappear before you know it. Do not hesitate to rely on professionals to ensure this step is done correctly—they do that for a living, after all.

Keep your basement in good condition. Maintaining your basement in good condition is the surest way to prevent mold. Don’t forget that mold also thrives in a humid basement. According to Health Canada, a basement should have a humidity level of 50% in the summer and 30% in the winter. If necessary, you should look into purchasing a dehumidifier. Also be aware that mold often accompanies bugs. If that is the case with your basement, you might enjoy this article detailing how to fix this issue.

Edmonton Basement Development—Dealing with Basement Bugs


Let’s be honest: dealing with a bug infestation is something that most people would like to avoid. It is—quite literally—the stuff that nightmares are made of. Fortunately, while those tiny pests are often a reality for many of us, eradicating them is not as difficult as one might think. If you find yourself in that situation, the team over at PLANit BUILDERS hopes that this article will bring you some degree of comfort. (PLANit BUILDERS is an Edmonton basement development company. You can find more about the services we offer on our website.)

Before going any further, let us make one thing clear: it does not matter whether your house is clean or not, or whether your basement is finished or unfinished. Stop beating yourself up for not having cleaned your basement enough in the last few months—it’s most likely not your fault.

With that being said, the first thing that you will want to do is a thorough assessment of your basement. In order to properly eliminate those crawling creatures, you will have to know what kinds of insects inhabit your basement. (Find them here?) If your basement is damp, buying a dehumidifier might do it some good. In many cases, bugs are attracted to damp basements—and even if the dehumidifier does not completely stop the infestation, you will still be able to enjoy the many benefits of using it. (PLANit BUILDERS recommends taking a look at this article detailing how to deal with a damp basement.)

Once this is done, proceed to seal any entryway from the outside into your basement. If you see any cracks or holes along the foundation, fix them. Don’t forget the floor drains and the windows. During the elimination process, avoid storing furniture in the basement. Keep the floors clean and free from clutter and try to vacuum the area at least once a week.

Spend time doing some research on what products would work best for the type of bug infestation you are suffering from. If you are worried about the health hazards associated with commercial bug sprays, try using vinegar instead. Many people have found a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to work as well—if not better—than most commercial products.

Finally, don’t panic. Remember that bugs love three things: dampness, food and shelter. (And that at the end of the day, they might be really creepy—but they are still totally harmless.)